Tuesday 4 July 2000
Wednesday 5 July 2000
Byte's Living Room / Kitchen Area
Byte's Althon Thunderbird 700 but also of note was Paul's dual Celeron 433 system.
Frenchie's AMD K6-2 350 or Cosmo's Celeron 300 running at 375Mhz
Games Played:
Now since there was a cable modem present not many games were in fact played, people
opting instead to leech from each other and the net for the majority of the night.
Roughly 4gb was downloaded over the duration of this LAN...
The actual games that were played between the people present were Counter-Strike, Quake 3,
five minutes of Revolt between Mik and Frenchie, and some Diablo 2 between Cosmo and Rock.
Aside from that there was quite a bit of Counter-Strike played on internet servers through
the cable modem by The Rock, Cosmo, and Mik. At one stage all three were getting sub 100
pings while Frenchie was downloading stuff at 300k/sec...
Following on from the last LAN this network was the fastest and most organised so far
and was comprised of of two 10/100 8 port CNet switches. Connected to the first switch
were Frenchie, Byte, Oscar, The Rock, Mik, linux server Gromit, Byte's home server Norm_4,
and the other switch which served Oscar (only person with only 10Mbit) and Paul.
But the most dramatic difference between the network here and at previous LAN's is that
this is the first one with a cable modem which influenced the amount of games that were
The previous times we have been at Byte's it had been a matter of setting up the computers
on whatever tables were availiable, generally a huge jumble. This time however the back
section of Byte's living/kitchen area was cleared out except for a sideboard with the stereo
on it, a bookshelf, and the computer desk with the family computer and Byte's server. A
table layout had been previously worked out that intended to fit in 12 people. This was
seriously wrong but as we only had 7 people all was fine and a new layout was planned that
could fit 12 people for a future event...
Again a BBQ was held which was very tasty...
Shot of Cosmo, Rock, Oscar and Mik heavily engrossed in a game of Quake 3
Frenchie and Oscar watching Cosmo do something while Paul is walking behind Rock
Mik and his yellow headphones doing a thing while Byte contemplates the great mysteries
Mik collecting his stuff halfway through packing up
Almost fully packed up...
LanParty #12 - Easter Break and That's Amore
LanParty #14 - Playing Games. What A Novelty...