The Point
There exist a number of LAN groups that are focused around competitions, prizes and hundreds of people. We have made half-assed attempts to run competitions at our events and failed so we made the decision that Mr LAN events will be for fun. ie a network and some game servers is provided but you can play whatever game you want whenever you want and with whoever you want...
Who We Are
Initially we were a group of friends from the same school in Melbourne who
were interesting in computers and the playing of games. As time passed some
people dropped away and through other channels like university and
the internet our numbers gradually grew.
Back in December 2001 we decided that instead of going around to someones place to play games we would hire a hall for the weekend. Since them we have held a number of events with the highest attendance being 53 players
The Name
For a while we wanted to have a name for our LAN group. Discussing it with
other people in the group, mostly Oscar, two names were thought up based on the
fact that most of the people who attend live within the
City of Monash.
One of the names was Monash Area Gamers (MAG). This isn't very interesting and
that is where the other name, really thought of as a joke, shines. The other name
is Monash Region LAN. Abbreviated to MR LAN is more interesting as the whole
Mr Men theme can be made use of by making the Monash logo into a
character we call Mr LAN...